Organisational Culture Inventory®

Research and development by Robert A Cooke, PhD and J Clayton Lafferty, PhD.

The Organisational Culture Inventory® (OCI) is the world’s most widely used tool for measuring organisational culture.

The result of more than 20 years’ research and now using the latest survey technology, the Organisational Culture Inventory® (OCI) goes to the heart of your organisation’s cultural make-up. It reveals what you’re really asking of your employees and how it affects their performance, motivation and job satisfaction – ultimately providing a foundation stone for achieving successful, sustainable cultural change.


How it works

The OCI has two parts:

  • OCI-Current measures your organisation’s current culture in terms of the behavioural norms that your employees believe are expected or implicitly required of them to succeed and ‘fit in’.
  • OCI-Ideal complements OCI-Current by identifying your ideal culture. It measures the behaviours that your leaders and other employees believe should be expected of them for your organisation to maximise its effectiveness. The result is a picture of your ideal culture based on your leaders’ and team’s shared values and beliefs – a benchmark with which you can compare the ideal versus the current culture to identify gaps and develop targets for change.

The data collected in the surveys is processed electronically, and a report (or reports) generated to meet your organisation’s specific needs. A Human Synergistics consultant or accredited practitioner then guides you through the findings and the steps required for successful change management.

The OCI surveys are available online and on almost any digital device, as well as in hard copy.

Complementary tools

We recommend that you apply the OCI in tandem with the Organisational Effectiveness Inventory™, which provides unique insights into the structures, systems, technologies and skills/qualities that affect your culture. It also integrates with the Life Styles Inventory™, Group Styles Inventory™ and Leadership/Impact® measures to capture the links between individual, group and organisational behaviour.

The benefits for your organisation

Apply the OCI in your organisation and you’ll help your leaders and other employees to understand the thinking and behavioural styles that are expected of them in the way they work, interact, manage problems and adapt to change. It’s a starting point for a conversation on where you are now, where you want to be and how you’re going to get there.

The OCI is particularly valuable for organisational change initiatives such as:

  • measuring and assessing your current culture
  • building a vision of your ideal culture
  • gauging your organisation’s readiness for change
  • identifying and addressing the enablers of and barriers to change
  • facilitating mergers, acquisitions and strategic alliances
  • evaluating the impacts of change – it can be used again and again to measure progress and identify what’s working and what’s not.

Make the OCI part of your drive for change

The OCI is best applied by people who’ve been trained to use it. We offer two options:

  • A trained and experienced Human Synergistics consultant can help you to use the OCI and implement the cultural change you seek. Simply contact us to find a consultant who’s right for you.
  • You can ‘do it yourself’ by arranging OCI accreditation for one or more of your team. This will ensure they have the skills to administer the OCI and implement meaningful long-term change. To get started, register for an accreditation workshop.

If you would like to know more about the Organisational Culture Inventory®, or any of our wide range of diagnostic tools, please get in touch and we will be happy to assist you. 

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