Culture Insights Blog

Published on 16 Jun 2020

In a crisis or situation like this changing world, it can be testing to the culture and leadership of an organisation.

How does a crisis impact an organisations culture? What can we be doing as leader’s and organisations to respond to situations like this? How should you maintain your organisations culture or even improve it during these times? And how might you even be able to leverage the current situation?

Published on 09 Jun 2020

We've reached the 100 episode milestone and to celebrate we've compiled categorised playlists of every Culture Bites episode so far. 

Published on 09 Jun 2020

In last week’s Culture Bites podcast episode, Corinne Canter and Dominic Gourley discussed expanded Life Styles Inventory™ (LSI) profiles. This episode delves into explaining the characteristics and some of the questions to explore an individual who has a constricted profile.  

Published on 02 Jun 2020

In this week’s Culture Bites episode, Corinne Canter and Dominic Gourley answer a question from a listener; “I recently debriefed a leader with an expanded Life Styles Inventory™ profile. Can you explain the characteristics and some of the questions to explore an expanded profile with the individual?”

Published on 27 May 2020

What is the Life Styles Inventory™? How will it help me be more effective? How does it work?
If you're about to do the LSI for the first time, listen to this to hear what it is all about.

Published on 19 May 2020

In this changing world, Dominic Gourley chats to our Head of Consulting Corinne Canter about what has changed for us, our Accredited Practitioner community and clients; finding new ways to do old things and how we are supporting you.

Published on 04 May 2020

Working from home (WFH) has opened a wonderful world of opportunities and watch outs for us as we navigate this ‘new normal’ we are experiencing thanks to COVID-19. In this blog, Sam Mead shares his areas of opportunity to keep in mind to optimise your working from home experience.

Published on 29 Apr 2020

You may have come across them in your working life: people who believe they know what’s right, what’s wrong and cross the divide with no thought of a ‘but what if?’. Liana Sangster talks with Dominic Gourley in this episode of Culture Bites, to discuss the competitive and perfectionistic thinking behind this behaviour and how people can become blocked with a win/lose mentality.

Published on 20 Apr 2020

One of the big risks for leaders during Covid-19 is that they put all the effort and energy in to looking after others and not focus on themselves. In this blog, Kym Williams of BRS shares the importance of a constructive mindset for leaders during such uncertain times. 

Published on 15 Apr 2020

Whilst the context we are operating in is vastly different, the principles that underpin effective teaming remains the same. The opportunity is how we apply the principles in a virtual and frequently changing world.