Research & Publications

Our products have been used by both the business community to promote change and development and by the academic community to better understand the causes and outcomes of behaviour within organisations. The list below includes books, articles, research reports, and dissertations that describe either the reliability and validity of our products or ways in which our products have been used. Some articles are available on our website, while others are not due to copyright. Copies of books and research reports can be obtained by contacting the publishers, copies of articles can be obtained through university libraries or the inter-library loan system, and copies of dissertations can be obtained by contacting UMI Dissertation Services.

Published on 12 Mar 2019

"The Difference HS Makes" is an overview of who we are and what we do. The book also gives you an insight into our different diagnostic tools and approach to make sustainable change in individuals, teams, leaders and your organisation.

Published on 15 Oct 2018

In this paper we share our perspectives on teams and what it takes to help teams be more effective

Published on 01 Aug 2017

We examine both Culture and Climate (engagement) and present a systematic way of measuring and changing employee experience within organisations in Australia and New Zealand.

Published on 16 Jun 2017

The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the relevance, usefulness, and importance of L/I and M/I both across as well as within different countries.

Published on 13 Jun 2017

More and more we are being asked about the role of the Board of Directors in the management of organisational culture – regarding the impact the Board has on culture and how the Board can help shape a desired culture. 

Published on 04 Oct 2016

Regardless of what an organisation’s strategy is, it can only be successfully executed if the organisation’s culture supports it. In this paper, Shaun McCarthy looks at how an organisation’s culture can limit innovation and what the requirements to build a culture to achieve innovation.

Published on 04 Oct 2016

Everyone’s talking about organisational culture, but many don’t really understand what it is…or isn’t. In this paper, Shaun McCarthy defines the true meaning of culture and how we can see it play out within organisations. This paper looks at how we can “see” our organisations culture and whether it can be changed.

Published on 04 Oct 2016

Human Synergistics’ global vision is: To Change the World—One Organization at a Time®. For over 35 years we have been working with individuals, groups and organizations in Australia and New Zealand towards achieving this goal.

Published on 02 Apr 2014

In our earlier paper, Stages of Organisational Consciousness: Part I, we introduced the model and the 6 stages based on the foundation/construction of that model. This paper is designed to review the model through analysis of client data and attempt to gain some insight into how organisations transition through the stages.

Published on 01 Dec 2013

In our 2011 book In Great Company – Unlocking the Secrets of Cultural Transformation, Professor Dexter Dunphy, along with our own consultant Corinne Canter, proposed a development model of organisational change. The model proposed a number of developmental phases in cultural transformation. This white paper explores the details behind the model and builds on thoughts presented in Shaun's conference presentations from this year and last.

Published on 01 Feb 2011

Published by Human Synergistics, In Great Company: Unlocking the Secrets of Cultural Transformation, is a comprehensive examination of five leading Australian companies that have successfully transformed their business, with inspirational results.



Thomas-Hunt, M. C., & Phillips, K. W. (2004). When What You Know Is Not Enough: Expertise and Gender Dynamics in Task Groups. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 30(12), 1585–1598. Summary articles, Kellogg-Northwestern and NYTimes


Szumal, J. L. (2000). How to use group problem solving simulations to improve teamwork. In Silberman, M., & Philips, P. (Eds.) The 2000 team and organisation development sourcebook. New York, NY: McGraw Hill.

Szumal, J. L. (2001). Four Steps to Building Better Teams. In Silberman, M., & Philips, P. (Eds.) The 2001 team and organisation development sourcebook. New York, NY: McGraw Hill.


Whitfield, G. & Landeros, R. (2006). Supplier diversity effectiveness: Does organisational culture really matter? The Journal of Supply Chain Management, 42, 16-28.


Dabbs, J. M. & Ruback, R. B. (1987). Dimensions of group process: Amount and structure of vocal interaction. In Berkowitz. L. (Ed.), Advances in experimental social psychology, Volume 20. San Diego CA: Academic Press, 123-170.

Dyer, W. G. (1987). Team building: Issues and alternatives (2nd ed.). Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, p. 75.

Hauber, J., Regenbrecht, H., Hills, A., Cockburn, A., and Billinghurst, M. (2005). Social presence in two- and three-dimensional videoconferencing. In Proceedings of the 8th annual international workshop on presence. London, 189-198

Prebble, R. (2006). Out of the red. Rotorua NZ.

Rus, D., van Knippenberg, D., & Wisse. B. (2012).  Leader power and self-serving behaviour: The moderating role of accountability. The Leadership Quarterly, 23, 13-26.

Silberman, M. L. (1990). Active training: A handbook of techniques, designs, case examples, and tips. New York, NY: Lexington, pp. 100-101.

Szumal, J. L. (2001). Four Steps to Building Better Teams. In Silberman, M., & Philips, P. (Eds.) The 2001 team and organisation development sourcebook. New York, NY: McGraw Hill.

Witte, E. H. (2007). Toward a group facilitation techniques for project teams. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations., 10, 299-309.


Aqlan, Faisal, Dunsworth, Qi, Kahl, Mary L. (2018). Integrating Soft Skill Development into a Manufacturing Systems Course. Pennsylvania State University, the Behrend College.

Balthazard, Pierre A., Potter, Richard A., Warren, John (2002). The effects of extraversion and expertise on virtual team interaction and performance.

Balthazard, Pierre A., Potter, Richard E., Warren, John (2004). Expertise, extraversion and group interaction styles as performance indicators in virtual teams: how do perceptions of IT’s performance get formed?

Balthazard, Pierre A., Waldman, David A., Atwater, Leanne E. (2008). The mediating effects of leadership and interaction style in face-to-face and virtual teams.

Balthazard, P., Waldman, D., Howell, J., Atwater, L. (2004). Shared leadership and group interaction styles in problem-solving virtual teams

Balthazard, Pierre A., Waldman, David A., Warren, John E. (2009). Predictors of the emergence of transformational leadership in virtual decision teams.

Cooke, R. A., & Szumal, J. L. (1994). The impact of group interaction styles on problem-solving effectiveness. Journal of Applied Behavioural Science, 30, 415-437.

Jeris, L. H. (1997). An empirical study of the relationship between team process interventions and double-loop learning. Ph.D. dissertation. DeKalb, IL: Northern Illinois University.

Potter, Richard E, Balthazard, Pierre A. (2002). Understanding human interactions and performance in the virtual team JITTA : Journal of Information Technology Theory and Application4.1: 1-23.

Potter, Richard E., Balthazard, Pierre A. (2002). Virtual team interaction styles: assessment and effects. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies Volume 56, Issue 4, April 2002, Pages 423–443

Potter, Richard E., Cooke, Robert A., Balthazard, Pierre A., (2000). Virtual team interaction: Assessment, consequences, and management. Research paper in Team Performance Management: An International Journal

Szumal, J. L. (1995). An examination of the multiple-level effects of gender and race on group problem solving. Ph.D. dissertation. Chicago, IL: University of Illinois at Chicago.

Szumal, J. L. (2001). Four Steps to Building Better Teams. In Silberman, M., & Philips, P. (Eds.) The 2001 team and organisation development sourcebook. New York, NY: McGraw Hill.


Cooke, R.A. & Sharkey, L. (2006). Developing Constructive Leader Impact. Orefield, PA: Consulting Today.

Leslie, J. B. (2013). Feedback to managers: A guide to reviewing and selecting multirater instruments for leadership development (4th ed.). Greensboro, NC: Centre for Creative Leadership.

Fuda, P. (2013). Leadership Transformed: How Ordinary Managers Become Extraordinary Leaders. New York, NY: New Harvest.

Masi, R. J., & Cooke, R. A. (2000). Effects of transformational leadership on subordinate motivation, empowering norms, and organisational productivity. International Journal of Organisational Analysis, 8, 16-47.

Szumal, J.L. (Ed.). (2014). The Impact of Leaders and Managers Across and Within Different Countries.

Szumal, J.L. (2002). The essence of leadership.

Szumal, J.L. (2002). An International Study of the Reliability and Validity of Leadership/Impact (L/I).

Szumal, J.L. (2010). High Do What?


Butler, A. M., Kwantes, C. T. and Boglarsky, C. A. (2014). The Effects of self-awareness on perceptions of leadership effectiveness in the hospitality industry: A cross cultural investigation. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 40, 87-98.

Boglarsky, C. A., & Kwantes, C. T. Conflict Perceptions and their role in manager’s choice of resolution style. Presented at the Fourth Biennial Conference on Intercultural Research, Kent, OH, US, 2005.

Boglarsky, C. A., & Kwantes, C. T. Who is happy and why? Subjective well-being and associated thinking styles of US and Canadian students. Presented at the 17th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Society, Los Angeles, CA, US, 2005.

Cleary, M. J. (1988). Thinking styles of supervisors and implications for student teaching.  The Teacher Educator, 24, 16-23.

Cooke, R. A., Lafferty, J. C., & Rousseau, D. M. (1987). Thinking and behavioural styles: Consistency between self-descriptions and descriptions by others. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 815-823.

Cooke, R. A., & Rousseau, D. M. (1983). The factor structure of Level 1: Life Styles Inventory. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 43, 449-457.

Cooke, R. A., & Rousseau, D. M. (1983). Relationship of life events and personal orientations to symptoms of strain. Journal of Applied Psychology, 68, 446-458.

Gallo, F. T. (2010).  Business leadership in China: How to blend best Western practices with Chinese wisdom, revised edition.  Singapore: John Wiley and Sons.

Grant, A. M; Green, L. S. & Rynsaardt, J. (2010).  Developmental coaching for high school teachers: Executive coaching goes to school. Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, 62, 151-168.

Gratzinger, P. D., Warren, R. A., & Cooke, R. A. (1990). Psychological orientations and leadership: Thinking styles that differentiate between effective and ineffective managers. In Clark, K. E., & Clark, M. B. (Eds.), Measures of leadership. Greensboro, NC: Centre for Creative Leadership.

Howard, W. H., Brinkman, G. L. & Lambert, R. (1997).  Thinking styles and financial characteristics of selected Canadian farm managers.  Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics/Revue canadienne d'agroeconomie, 45, 39-49.

Human Synergistics. (1986). Improving store management effectiveness. Atlanta, GA: Coca Cola Retailing Research Council.

Jones, Q. (2012).  Coaching with LSI.  In Passmore, J. (Eds.), Psychometrics in coaching: Using psychological and psychometric tools for development.  Philadelphia: Kogan Page Limited.

Klisz, E. (2005). Life Styles Inventory™ & Myers-Briggs Type Indicator®: A Comparison of Two Surveys. Plymouth, MI: Human Synergistics.

Lawson, D. (2012). Analysis and use of the Life Styles Inventory 1 and 2 by Human Synergistics International. In M. C. Borcarnea, R. A. Reynolds & J. D. Baker (Eds.), Online instruments, data collection, and electronic measurements: Organisational advancements (pp. 76-96). Hershey, PA USA: IGI Global.

Leak, G. K. (1991). An examination of the construct validity of the Social Anhedonia Scale.  Journal of personality assessment, 56, 84-95.

Leak, G. K., Millard, R. J., Perry, N. W. & Williams, D. E. (1985).  An investigation of the nomological network of social interest. Journal of Research in Personality, 19, 197-207. 

Leslie, J. B. (2013). Feedback to managers: A guide to reviewing and selecting multirater instruments for leadership development (4th ed.). Greensboro, NC: Centre for Creative Leadership.

Masi, Ralph John Ph.D (1994). Transformational leadership and its roles in empowerment, productivity, and commitment to quality. University of Illinois at Chicago, 239 pages; AAT 9506499.

Masi, R. J., & Cooke, R. A. (2000). Effects of transformational leadership on subordinate motivation, empowering norms, and organisational productivity. International Journal of Organisational Analysis, 8, 16-47.

Nediger, W. G., & Chelladurai, P. (1989). Life Styles Inventory: Its applicability in the Canadian context. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 49, 901-909.

Prebble, R. (2006). Out of the red. Rotorua NZ.

Ray, R. and Sanders, E. (2009).  Strategic leadership of cultural transformation at Advocate Health Care. In Yaeger, T. F. and Sorensen, P. F. (Eds.), Strategic organisation development: Managing change for success.  Charlotte NC:  Information Age Publishing.

Schiller, M. R., Foltz, M. B., & Campbell, S. M. (1993).  Dietitians' self-perceptions : implications for leadership.  Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 93, 868-874.

Skenes, R.E., & Honing, C.A. (2004). Pretest/Posttest Use of the Life Styles Inventory for Outcomes Assessment of a Professional Master’s in Managerial Leadership Program. Group and Organisation Management, 29 (2), 171-200.

Szumal, J. L. & Cooke, R.A. (2004). Increasing personal success and effectiveness: Thinking and behavioural styles at work. In Silberman, M., & Philips, P. (Eds.) The 2004 training and performance sourcebook. Princeton, NJ: Active Training.

Ware, M. E., Leak, G. K., & Perry, N. W. (1985). Life Styles Inventory: Evidence for its factorial validity. Psychological Reports, 56, 963-968.

Ware, M. E. & Perry, N. W. (1987). Facilitating growth in a personal development course. Psychological Reports, 60, 491-500.

Wasylyshyn, K. M. (2012). Behind the executive door: Unexpected lessons for managing your boss and career. New York, NY: Springer.

Williams, H. (2002). Developing a positive organisational culture using a management development strategy. Australian Health Review, 25, 190-193.


Cooke, R. A. (1989). Assessing managerial effectiveness with the Management Effectiveness Profile System. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 49, 723-732.

Leslie, J. B. (2013). Feedback to managers: A guide to reviewing and selecting multirater instruments for leadership development (4th ed.). Greensboro, NC: Centre for Creative Leadership.


Leslie, J. B. (2013). Feedback to managers: A guide to reviewing and selecting multirater instruments for leadership development (4th ed.). Greensboro, NC: Center for Creative Leadership.

Szumal, J.L. (Ed.). (2014). The Impact of Leaders and Managers Across and Within Different Countries.

Szumal, J.L. (2010). High Do What?

Szumal, J.L. (2012). The Reliability and Validity of Management/Impact® (M/I)


Kernaghan, J. A., & Cooke, R. A. (1987). The relationship of group process factors to the quality and acceptance of group output. International Journal of Small Group Research, 3, 39-61.

Kernaghan, J. A., & Cooke, R. A. (1990). Teamwork in planning innovative projects: Improving group performance by rational and interpersonal interventions in group process. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 37, 109-116.


Agbenyiga, D. L. (2011). Organisational culture influence on service delivery: A mixed methods design in a child welfare setting. Children and Youth Services Review, 33, 1767-1778.

Ain, Myrna, Dara Bailey, Peter Bromley, Mark Kalyta and Robert A. Cooke (2003). “The Best of the Best: The Role of Leadership and Culture in Creating Canada's Best Organisations.” Toronto: First Light.

Arbour, S., Kwantes, C. T., Kraft, J. M., & Boglarsky, C. A. (2014). Person-organisation fit: Using normative behaviours to predict workplace satisfaction, stress and intentions to stay. Journal of Organisational Culture, Communications and Conflict, 185(2), 41-64.

Arshad, M. (2003). A study of organisational culture and effectiveness of secondary schools. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). University of the Punjab, Lahore.

Balthazard, Pierre A., Cooke, Robert A., (2004). Organisational culture and knowledge management success: assessing the behaviour-performance continuum. Proceedings of the 37th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences-2004.

Balthazard, Pierre A., Cooke, Robert A., Potter, Richard E. (2006). Dysfunctional culture, dysfunctional organisation: Capturing the behavioural norms that form organisational culture and drive performance. Journal of Managerial Psychology, Vol. 21 Issue: 8, pp.709 - 732

Balthazard, P. A., Cooke, R. A., & Potter, R. E. (2006). Dysfunctional culture, dysfunctional organisation: capturing the behavioural norms that form organisational culture and drive performance. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 21(8), 709-732. doi:10.1108/02683940610713253

Balthazard, Pierre A., Cooke, Robert A., (2009). Organisational Culture and Knowledge Management Success: Assessing the Behavior-Performance Continuum.

Bellot, J. (2012). Nursing home culture change: What does it mean to nurses? Research in Gerontological Nursing, 5 (4), 264-273.

Boglarsky, C. A. (2005). Five Steps to a Successful Merger/Acquisition. Workspan, 48, 50-52.

Boglarsky, C. A., & Kwantes, C. T., Ideal and actual culture: How different is too different? Presented at the 65th Annual Conference of the Canadian Psychological Association, St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada, 2004.

Bowen, R. B. (n.d.). Cultural alignment and risk management: Developing the right culture. QFinance, Retrieved from: (August 24, 2016).

Brookhaven National Laboratory. Organisational culture, safety culture, and safety performance at research facilities. Upton, NY: Brown, W. S.

Chaudhry, Anjali, Yuan, Ling, Hu, Jia, Cooke, Robert A., (2016). What matters more? The impact of industry and organisational factors on organisational culturePDF article summary & abstract

Cocchiola, F. A. (1990). The impact of grade organisation on the organisational culture of junior-senior and senior high schools. Ed.D. dissertation. NY: Fordham University.

Community of Practice Culture Validation Team (2004). Nuclear Plant Optimal Culture Report. Overland Park KS: Utility Service Alliance.

Cooke, R. A., & Rousseau, D. M. (1988). Behavioral norms and expectations: A quantitative approach to the assessment of organisational culture. Group & Organisation Studies, 13, 245-273.

Cooke, R. A., & Szumal, J. L. (2000). Using the Organisational Culture Inventory to understand the operating cultures of organisations.

Cooke, R. A., & Szumal, J. L. (1993). Measuring normative beliefs and shared behavioural expectations in organisations: The reliability and validity of the Organisational Culture Inventory. Psychological Reports, 72, 1299-1330. doi: 10.2466/pr0.1993.72.3c.1299  PDF article summary & abstract

Corbett, L.M. & Rastrick, K.N. (2000). Quality performance and organisational culture: A New Zealand study. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 17(1), 14-26.  doi:10.1108/02656710010300126 

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Eppard, R. G. (2004). Transformational and transactional leadership styles as they predict constructive culture and defensive culture. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Falls Church, VA.

Gannod, G., Eberle, W., Talbert, D., Cooke, R. A., Hagler, K., Opp, K. & Baniya, J. (2018). Establishing an Agile Mindset and Culture for Workforce Preparedness: A Baseline Study. 1-9. 10.1109/FIE.2018.8658712. article summary & abstract

García-Herrero, Susana, Mariscal, M.A., Gutiérrez, J.M., Toca-Otero, Antonio (2013). Bayesian network analysis of safety culture and organisational culture in a nuclear power plant, Safety Science, Volume 53, 82-95.

Gaucher, E. & Kratochwill, E.W. (1993). The leader’s role in implementing total quality management. Quality Management in Health Care, 1(3), 10-18.

Glaspie, R. & Nesbitt, M. (2004). What Makes a Newspaper Ready to Innovate? Evanston IL: Readership Institute, Northwestern University.

Glisson, C. & James, L. R. (2002). The cross-level effects of culture and climate in human service teams. Journal of Organisational Behavior, 23 (6), 767-794.

Guidet, B. and Gonzalez-Roma, V. (2011). Climate and cultural aspects in intensive care units. Critical Care, 15, 312.

Gundry, L. (1987). Critical incidents in organisational cultures: The enculturation of newcomers in organisations. Ph.D. dissertation. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University.

Haber, S. D., O’Brien, J. N., Metlay, D. S., & Crouch, D. A. (1991). Influence of organisational factors in performance reliability. (Overview and detailed methodological development, Office of Nuclear Regulator Research, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission). Upton, NY: Brookhaven National Laboratory.

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Human Synergistics. (1986). Improving store management effectiveness. Atlanta, GA: Coca-Cola Retailers’ Research Council.

Ingersoll, G. L., Wagner, L., Merck, S. E., Kirsch, J. C., Hepworth, J. T., & Williams, M. (2002). Patient-focused redesign and employee perception of work environment. Nursing Economics, 20(4), 163-187.

Jablonski, J. R. (1990). Implementing total quality management: Competing in the 1990’s. Albuquerque, NM: Technical Management Consortium.

Jaeger, M. (2001). Personalmanagement bei Mergers & Acquisitions-Strategien Instrumente Erfolgsfaktoren. Hermann Luchterhand Verlag GmbH, Neuwied, Kriftel, pp. 76-82.

Kartolo, A. B. (2016). Perceived organisational discrimination. Its societal antecedents, individual outcomes, and the effects of organisational culture across contexts. (Unpublished master’s thesis). Windsor, Ontario, CA, University of Windsor.

Kartolo, A.B. & Kwantes, C.T. (2019). Organisational culture, perceived societal and organisational discrimination. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal.

Keenan, G. M. (1994). Nurse management of conflicts with physicians in emergency rooms. Ph.D. dissertation. Chicago, IL: University of Illinois at Chicago.

Keenan, G. M., Cooke, R. A. & Hillis, S. L. (1998). Norms and nurse management of conflicts: Keys to understanding nurse-physician collaboration. Research in Nursing and Health, 59-72. DOI: 10.1002/(sici)1098-240x(199802)21:1<59::aid-nur7>;2-s

Klein, A. (2011). Corporate Culture: its value as a resource for competitive advantage. Journal of Business Strategy, 32 (2), 21-28. DOI: 10.1108/02756661111109743

Klein, A. S., Masi, R. J., and Weidner, C. K. (1995). Organisational culture, distribution and amount of control, and perceptions of quality. Group & Organisation Management, 20, 122-148.

Klein, M. I. (1992). Corporate culture and store performance: Differences among high performance and low performance stores. Ph.D. dissertation. Philadelphia: Temple University.

Klein, R. L., Bigley, G. A., & Roberts, K. H. (1995). Organisational culture in high reliability organisations: An extension. Human Relations, 48, 771-793.

Kosmoski-Goepfert, K. (1994). Effects of registered nurses’ work design on hospital unit culture, quality, and cost of patient care. Ph.D. dissertation. Chicago, IL: University of Illinois at Chicago.

Kwantes, C. T., & Boglarsky, C. A. (2004). Do occupational groups vary in expressed organisational culture preferences? A study of six occupations in the United States. International Journal of Cross-Cultural Management [Special Issue: Identifying Culture], 4(3), 335-353.

Kwantes, C. T.& Boglarsky, C. A. Individual level outcomes of the relationship between social and organisational cultures. Presented at the International Association of Cross Cultural Psychology Sixth European Regional Congress, Budapest, Hungary, 2003.

Kwantes, C. T., & Boglarsky, C. A. (2006). Organizational cultures across national boundaries: Results of a cluster analysis. Applied Multivariate Research, 12(2), 107-124.

Kwantes, C. T., & Boglarsky, C. A. (2007). Perceptions of organisational culture, leadership effectiveness and personal effectiveness across six countries. Journal of International Management. 13(2), 204-230.

Kwantes, C. T., Boglarsky, C.A., and Kuo, B. C. H. (2011). Local adaptations of a global organisational culture: Do differences in social culture make any difference? Asian Journal of Arts and Sciences, 1, 42-65.

Kwantes, C. T., & Dickson, M. W. (2011). Organisational Culture in a Societal Context: Lessons from GLOBE and Beyond In N. N. Ashkanasy, C. Wilderom, & M. F. Peterson (Eds.), Chapter 28, The Handbook of Organisational Culture and Climate. Second Edition (pp. 494 – 514). Newbury Park, CA: Sage.

Lahiry, S. (1994). Building commitment through organisational culture. Training and Development Journal, 48 (4), 50-52.

McDaniel, C. (1995). Organisational culture and ethics work satisfaction. Journal of Nursing Administration, 25, 15-21.

McHugh, G. (2012). An Examination of the Influence of Culture, Climate and Leadership as Drivers of a Healthy Workplace. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). The University of Northern British Columbia. 

Minvielle, E., Aegerter, P., Dervaux, B., Boumendil, A., Retbif, A., Jars-Guincestre, M., and Guidet, B. (2008). Assessing organisational performance in intensive care units: A French experience. Journal of Critical Care, 23, 236–244.

Murphy, P. J., Cooke, R. A., & Lopez, Y. (2013). Firm Culture and Performance: intensity's effects and limits. Management Decision, 51 (3), 661-679. DOI: 10.1108/00251741311309715 PDF article summary & abstract

National Institute of Corrections. (2007). Building Culture Strategically: A Team Approach for Corrections. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice. 

Nath, Y. (2021). The Book on Law Firm Culture. Independently Published.

Osinubi, O. Y. O., Gandhi, S. K., Ohman-Strickland, P., Boglarsky, C., Fielder, N., Ki pen, H., & Robson, M. (2008). Organisational factors and office workers' health after the World Trade Center terrorist attacks: long-term physical symptoms, psychological distress, and work productivity. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 50(2), 112-125.

Pelieu, I. and associates (2013). Impact of organisational culture on preventability assessment of selected adverse events in the ICU: Evaluation or morbidity and mortality conferences. Intensive Care Medicine, 39, 12-14-1220.

Pool, S.W. (2000). Organisational culture and its relationship between job tension in measuring outcomes among business executives. Journal of Management Development, 19(1), 32-49. DOI: 10.1108/02621710010308144 

Prebble, R. (2006). Out of the red. Rotorua NZ.

Rousseau, D. M. (1990). Normative beliefs in fund-raising organisations: Linking culture to organisational performance and individual responses. Group & Organisation Studies, 15, 448-460.

Rovithis, M., Linardakis, M., Merkouris, A., Philalithis, A. (2015). Organisational culture of physicians on the island of Crete. Athens Medical Society, Archives of Hellenic Medicine: ISSN 11-05-3992. 

Rovithis, M., Linardakis M., Rikos N., Merkouris A., Patiraki E., Philalithis, A. (2016). Organisational Culture among Nurses Working in the Public Health Sector on the Island of Crete - Greece. iMedPub Journals, Health Science Journal ISSN 1791-809X

Rovithis, M., Linardakis, M., Merkouris, A., Patiraki, E., Vassilaki, M., & Philalithis, A. (2017). Organisational culture among levels of health care services in Crete (Greece). Applied Nursing Research, 36 (2017) 9–18.

Sanders, E.J. The Human Frontier: Building an Inclusive Organisational Culture. Journal of Organisational Psychology, 17(1), 71-82.

Sanders, E.J. & Cooke, R.A.. Financial Returns from Organisational Culture Improvement: Translating “Soft” Changes into “Hard” Dollars. Presented at the ASTD Expo in Orlando, FL, June 6, 2005.

Sanfilippo, F., Bendapudi, N., Rucci, A., & Schlesinger, L. (2008). Strong leadership and teamwork drive culture and performance change: Ohio State University Medical Center 2000- 2006. Academic Medicine, 83(9), 845-854.

Sarris, A., & Kirby, N. (2007). Behavioral norms and expectations on Antarctic stations. Environment and Behavior, 39(5), 706-723.

Scott, T., Mannion, R., Davies, H., & Marshall, M. (2003). The quantitative measure of organisational culture in health care: A review of the available instruments. Health Services Research, 38(3), 923-945.

Schnier, K. L. (2004). Organisational culture of faculty members at regionally accredited, associate degree-granting, proprietary institutions. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Loyola University, Chicago, IL.

Shortell, S. M., and Associates. (1994). The performance of intensive care units: Does good management make a difference? Medical Care, 32, 508-525.

Simosi, M. (2012). The moderating role of self-efficacy in the organisational culture-training transfer relationship. International Journal of Training and Development, 16 (2), 92-106.

Slowinski, G. (1992). Why corporate cultures are critical to success in strategic alliances: The human touch in successful strategic alliances. Mergers & Acquisitions, 27, 44-47.

Szumal, J.L. (2002). Is your organisation experiencing a culture disconnect?

Szumal, J. L. & Cooke, R.A. (2003). Organisational climate versus culture: An experiential case study. In Silberman, M., & Philips, P. (Eds.) The 2003 team and organisation development sourcebook. Princeton, NJ: Active Training.

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