040 - The Team Development Pyramid

Published on 26 Feb 2019

Team Development Pyramid LinkedIn Size

We talk about the fundamentals of building a high performing team: Individual mindsets, Personal Relationships, Values & Behaviour, Purpose, Structure, and Results. This episode is hosted by David Byrum and Dominic Gourley.

Listen to Our Conversation Here:

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Key Points and Takeaways from this Episode:

Individual Mindset

There is a ‘I’ in team (as we talked about in a previous podcast). We all bring ourselves and our own thinking to the team. To create an effective team, our individual mindset and thinking have to be to a view of creating a greater good, building synergy, leveraging strengths / capabilities / resources of everyone in the team and have a good plan to do all that. What are you bringing to the team?


Personal Relationships

What is the quality of relationship – personally – that I have with each of the team members of the team? It’s more than do I know their birthday or spouse’s name. Do I actually have their back and do I believe that they have my back? Is our relationship: Transactional? Understanding? Personal? Caring?


Values and Behaviour

How will we measure our success behaviourally? What are the values we hold true in this team? These are our specific team values and not necessarily the organisational values on the wall. How do we express these values as a team? – Because what we can check and provide feedback on are the values I can see and measure in action (using the Group Styles Inventory). It’s our code – who we are as a team.



What are we about? “This team exists to…”. It’s not the same as the organisation’s mission and purpose, it is how our team contribute to the organisation’s mission and purpose. It should be simple, clear, and concise. Doing using this simple method:

We will be known for…

In order to…

By doing …



Teams need protocols, systems, processes, around how do we communicate with each other, what decisions do we make in this team vs make individually, how often do we meet – where and when, what are our standing agenda items etc. These tactical things allow teams to perform.

The other part are the roles we play in the team. In teams we need people who keep us on track, who is going to be the joker who keeps spirits up, who summarizes etc. We need different people who bring different strengths to the team.



Ultimately, teams exist to deliver an outcome. So, why are we here? What are the results that matter to us? What are we measuring? This is a balance of standard business type financial metrics as well as people and development measures.

Do you have a question you want us to answer on the podcast? Email podcast@human-synergistics.com.au

Listen to previous Culture Bites Podcasts:

001: Kick Starting a Passive Team
002: Dealing with Delegation
003: Telling Someone They have a Blind Spot
004: What's Wrong with Being Competitive?
005: I have a Competitive Teammate – Help!
006: What is a Toxic Culture?
007: How Leaders Impact Culture
008: Is Culture / Climate / Engagement the same thing?
009: My Manager is Resisting Culture Change
010: How the Banks got here
011: Myth Busters: If I’m not Aggressive then I must be Passive
012: How Culture Works Pt1 – Overview
013: How Culture Works Pt2 – Mission, Philosophy, Structures
014: How Culture Works Pt3 – HR Systems
015: How Culture Works Pt4 – Job Design
016: How Culture Works Pt5 – Leadership
017: Rebecca Kardos, CEO Aurora Energy
018: Is Conflict in Teams Good or Bad?
019: Does Teamwork Work?
020: Tips and tricks for LSI Debriefs
021: Can you use the LSI for Recruitment?
022: Dear C.B., My Manager is Cold
023: Passive LSI Action Tips
024: Aggressive LSI Action Tips
025: Breaking Down Silos
026: SuperMind Neuro Science of Creativity
027: Conference Highlights
028: 8 Keys of Team Effectiveness
029: Coaching Questions for Passive Styles
030: Coaching Questions for Aggressive Styles
031: Staying Constructive this Christmas
032: Blue Year's Resolutions
033: How Culture made Headlines in 2018
034: Childhood origins of your thinking and behavior 
035: How to Change Culture in 4 Phases
036: Culture Change and Development in Unionised Industries
037: Does Every Country Value Constructive Styles
038: But in This Industry we Have to be Like This
039: Sydney Swans Psychologist Grant Brecht

Culture Bites Podcast is Copyrighted © by Human Synergistics Australia 2018. All Rights Reserved.