How to Debrief a Defensive LSI 1 with a Constructive LSI 2

Published on 14 May 2019
Debrief Image

Sue Bigham and Dominic Gourley talk about how to approach a debrief where someone’s self-thinking and self talk (LSI 1) is high in the defensive styles, but people are seeing them as really constructive (LSI 2).

People with high extensions in the defensive styles tend to operate at a cost to themselves – they may not have a strong sense of self, not feeling particularly fulfilled, may not be enjoying their job and can have a belief that they are not really contributing.

But on the other end of the scale, other people are seeing them as really constructive in their behaviour. Listen to some tips, common themes and how to approach this debrief.

Listen to Episode 049:How to Debrief a Defensive LSI 1 with a Constructive LSI 2


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Listen to these related episodes of Culture Bites:

020: Tips and tricks for LSI Debriefs
023: Passive LSI Action Tips
024: Aggressive LSI Action Tips
029: Coaching Questions for Passive Styles
030: Coaching Questions for Aggressive Styles
046: The Power of Rapport Building in Debriefs
047: What to do When Debriefing a Constructive Profile
048: What to do When your LSI1 & LSI2 Doesn't Match