Awareness Acceptance Action - Bridge the Know-Do Gap

Published on 06 Jul 2021
AAA Model


To close the knowing-doing gap we need to have a felt need to act. Unless we truly accept our situation and feedback we aren't really ready to make change and implement action. The 'AAA' model is a useful framework for help people bridge that gap.


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The AAA model is a very useful framework to follow when debriefing LSI results. These three phases function in sequence. You should not strive for acceptance until the individual has a broad awareness and do not aim for action until acceptance has been achieved. The AAA model is summarised as: 

1. Awareness – of your own Thinking and Behaviour

2. Acceptance – of the LSI feedback and results

3. Action – develop and implement change plans.


- LSI self development tool - awareness

- What do I know about myself? What are other people saying? Where is there alignment? Where are there differences?  The unpacking of the results is the awareness; this is the initial debrief.

- Not about solving problems, but about helping people understand themselves.

- Why not go further? - There is an element of moving to acceptance - the felt need to act. As adults we will not do anything until we actually feel the need to act i.e. you can be told multiple time you are overweight and need to exercise, you can agree but not be ready to make the changes.  Then one day that felt need to act arrives and you will start taking the steps to lose weight.


- I know I am but am I ready to do anything about it? No, okay stay here. Yes, move onto action

- Might take five minutes or five years

- Need to get to the understanding of why you want to change and what you want to change to.

- Full acceptance before moving to action can create more sustainable change


- Need to generate their own actions; as the coach you can guide them, give thought starters but try not to tell them what to do.

- Try to tie their actions to particular challenges or workplace situations as this can help understand what they are going to do and how they will create the change they want to.


If possible have the initial debrief and at least two follow up sessions. 

Remember: Everyone moves through the model at their own pace.