#4 - 182 - Setting and achieving goals

Published on 01 Nov 2023

Achieving Goals

Are you ready to level up your leadership skills and immerse yourself in the latest topics of building a constructive organisational culture? Grab your headphones and join us on this exhilarating journey as we unveil our top 5 podcasts that will revolutionise your approach to leadership and shape a thriving workplace culture like never before!

#4 - 182 - Setting and Achieving Goals

How do you even work out what you want to do? Then how can you actually make it a reality?

In this episode Ally and Dom discuss setting realistic and achievable goals. Ally noted that when people do their LSI1 and see the self-actualising sitting quite low for them on the circumplex some people feel overwhelmed and stuck.

Knowing where you want to go means there is clarity around what your goal is starting to look like. Start by asking what do you enjoy? Do a self-audit, what are you curious about? What do you have energy for? What helps you lean into your core strengths and capabilities? Avoid setting big goals at first, start small, take small steps towards what you want. Test these steps to see if you continue to see these as a journey towards your goal. Do you enjoy each step?


We often get caught up in the inertia of life and can become distracted by the busyness of everything life entails, so take courage to hit the pause button and intentionally look and state to yourself what you think you want. Be prepared to back yourself and share it with others. Your needs are important too. So how do we execute these steps? Remember Life is not a project plan, it will take time and effort. Take the overarching goal and break it down into sizeable chunks. Start with the smallest thing and give it a short timeline (weeks not months). Ask yourself what is the one thing I can do today to start? Look at each chunk and give each box a timeframe. Foster all these areas for growth. Allay fears and anxiety about running out of time by starting with these small steps. Ensure doing these steps are enjoyable, if not, relook and redefine.


Motivation is fleeting so don’t feel you need to wait for it – just start, start, start! Accept there will be setbacks and barriers and adjust the plan accordingly. Know what your limits are so you’re not over-extending yourself – understand the realistic steps it takes to get where you need to go. In summary, ask yourself what do you want? Hit the pause button. Discover what energises you, by asking - what are you curious about? Test it, learn things, take small steps towards your goals. Be aware you’re on the path in a forward momentum.

Remember the path to your goals is in fact the self-actualising part of your journey!