News & Events

Accreditation Badges and LinkedIn Certifications

by Jessica Kieft | Sep 26, 2018


Show off your Human Synergistics Accreditation and achievements in the Leadership and Culture space.

Add an Accredited Practitioner digital badge to your email signature and/or website. Download your relevant Accreditation badge below;

Accredited Practitioner
Accredited Practitioner - LSI GSI
Accredited Practitioner - LSI GSI MI
Accredited Practitioner - LSI GSI LI
Accredited Practitioner - LSI GSI MI LI
Accredited Practitioner - LSI GSI OCI OEI
Accredited Practitioner - LSI GSI MI OCI OEI
Accredited Practitioner - LSI GSI LI OCI OEI
Accredited Practitioner - LSI GSI MI LI OCI OEI

These are also available in the AP Portal - Resources section.

email signature

Get found online by updating your LinkedIn profile in this simple and standard way to show your Human Synergistics Accreditation.

Adding LSI Certification LinkedIn

Click on the 'add to profile' button below

Add the following information into the box that pops up:
Certification name = Life Styles Inventory™ (LSI)
Certification Authority = Human Synergistics Australia & NZ
Licence Number = *n/a*
From Month/Year = enter the date of your recall workshop
This certification does not expire = tick yes
Certification URL =

LinkedIn Add to Profile button

HS Accreditation LinkedIn Certification


To add other certifications besides the Life Styles Inventory™, click the same button but use these Certification Names instead:

Group Styles Inventory™ (GSI)
Management/Impact™ (M/I)
Leadership/Impact® (L/I)
Organisational Culture Inventory® (OCI)
Organisational Effectiveness Inventory™ (OEI)
Customer Service Styles™ (CSS)

Congratulations on getting accredited! Our mission is to Change the World One Organisation at a Time® and we can only do that together with our amazing community of people like yourself! So thanks for doing what you do!