News & Events

2019 Sustainability Award Winner - The Property Council of Australia

by Jessica Kieft | Aug 13, 2019

The Culture Transformation and Sustainability Awards recognise organisations which have created a Constructive Culture or sustained a Constructive Culture on a subsequent remeasure using the Organisational Culture Inventory® (OCI).

This year we are pleased to announce one of our Sustainability Award winners - The Property Council of Australia! Congratulations!

The Property Council of Australia - Their culture story so far ………

PropertyCouncil- LogoThe Property Council of Australia has placed significant focus on transforming its culture and this continued investment has seen us sustain a constructive culture over the last four years. The philosophy of our culture development work is to take a leader led approach, supported by engagement of the whole organisation. Having both leaders and staff involved and contributing to our culture plan will underpin the achievement of our strategy and one company culture.

Following the 2018 OCI results an in-depth staff consultation process was launched to gain a deeper understanding of the work required to strengthen our culture.  Working as a whole organisation at a staff summit led to the synthesis of all culture related initiatives into a targeted culture plan. The plan is built around four key levers which will deliver the biggest cultural impact.

Delivering on our one company strategy has meant the formation of working groups to enhance collaboration and ensure achievement of the goals in our culture plan.  A success factor of this work has been the strengthening of alignment between our Executives and next generation leaders and ongoing Executive development to set the tone from the top. The Property Council is committed to maintaining the focus on our culture as we know it is critical to achievement of our strategy.

Property Council Circs

More Culture Transformation and Sustainability Award winners will be announced soon!

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