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Homeward Bound: An open letter from our own Lorraine McCarthy from Antarctica

by Jessica Kieft | Nov 27, 2019

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I am sharing this with you all so everyone, including all our global lifetime accredited  practitioners, can value what Homeward Bound (HB) is doing.  The Life Styles Inventory™ (LSI) is at the centre, not only of the learning of participants, but also in the way HB runs.

I have been amazed and humbled at the extent to which the tool has been prioritised or valued to develop the 100 brilliant women who are here. They have such diverse skills. I am constantly surprised by what they do and their global level of influence.

It is apparent to me that these women can genuinely contribute constructively to what is happening in our world now. They are working in areas that allow them to influence great things, and it daily amazes me that LSI has been chosen to help them use what they know.
I am taking one step at a time, staying present focussed. I am wanting to give the best I can and so even tired, I play my part and help.

I came on believing I had something to offer the faculty and the participants but it is so much more than I anticipated. I notice when I work with the women, the young and the old, the insights of LSI are having an unquestionably positive impact.

I met the faculty in August and at the time, I thought they were an extraordinary, individually and collectively committed leadership team. I probably didn’t know them so well, but as we have spent time together, I’ve been blown away by what is possible.

The process I run, valuing self, has been received in a way I would not have expected, with hope and determination.

For someone who lives in the present, this experience is wonderful. The people, the ship and the women are endlessly joyful. We are all held carefully to our shared vision, the sense of wonder as we head to Antarctica, and our responsibilities as leaders in this world.Perhaps I didn’t investigate Homeward Bound in depth before I came, but at the moment we got on the ship, I was again drawn into the sea scape, the sky, environment we are travelling through; I now have a sense of awe for where we are heading.

I am called to model constructive behaviour, and I remain, as do the faculty, a model for what it means to pursue a self-actualising me and to be fully integrated.

This is a very big opportunity for me personally so I practice what I preach. I am having my own learning massively accelerated.

I am deeply grateful.



Homeward Bound is a global not-for-profit leadership initiative seeking to increase the visibility and leadership of women with a background in STEMM, to demonstrate a new model of leadership and create better outcomes for the planet. For 12 months, a group of incredible women are put through an intensive, capacity-building program which culminates in a life-changing voyage to Antarctica.

Human Synergistics is honored to support Homeward Bound by providing the Life Styles Inventory™ (LSI) to help shape the leadership program, as well as access to our global group of accredited practitioners.

For more information on Homeward Bound.