News & Events

2020 Sustainability Award Winner - CEnet

by Admin User | Sep 28, 2020


The Culture Transformation and Sustainability Awards recognise organisations which have created a Constructive Culture or sustained a Constructive Culture on a subsequent remeasure using the Organisational Culture Inventory® (OCI).

This year we are pleased to announce one of our Sustainability Award winners - CEnet! Congratulations!


CEnet logo (1) 

CEnet is a shared services organisation owned by its 16 Member Dioceses in metropolitan, regional and remote locations throughout New South Wales, Queensland, The Australian Capital Territory and Tasmania.

CEnet exists to support the activities of its members in their efforts to deliver meaningful learning and teaching activities and experiences in the 21st Century. As such CEnet’s focus is on communication and learning technologies.

CEnet seeks to identify areas of common need and where its members feel it is appropriate, CEnet assists by leveraging the combined scale of the membership to deliver services to meet those needs.

Service and respect are at the core of CEnet’s activities and CEnet aims to ensure that the voices of all member dioceses are heard. This aim informs CEnet’s structure and attitudes.

As an organisation that has grown and evolved rapidly, CEnet became aware a number of years ago that it wanted to maintain and develop the elements of its culture that reflects its intentions. CEnet’s organisational culture journey commenced in 2015 with its first assessment returning above average results. The subsequent assessment in 2017 saw positive growth in the constructive causal factors, so much so that CEnet won its first award for Culture Sustainability. CEnet’s 2019 assessment resulted in continued growth in all constructive causal factors, resulting in CEnet winning its second Culture Sustainability Award.

As CEnet prepares for its fourth OCI/OEI assessment in November 2021, a number of initiatives have commenced including: 

  • Development of an organisation culture plan
  • Development of an organisation values alignment programme;
  • Development of a staff engagement programme
  • A leadership development programme

The objective of this continued effort is to not only sustain CEnet’s constructive culture, but to transform any Passive and / or Aggressive styles.

External Change Agent

Veretis_Logo_WhiteBG_RGB_HRVeretis is a performance psychology consultancy with over 30 years’ experience delivering real world outcome. We provide leadership enhancement and culture evolution services based on evidence and scientifically proven theories, delivered without the jargon. Our team of university level trained psychologists have the knowledge, experience and real world experience to empower people and teams to take ownership of their performance. This allows organisations to facilitate and encourage the most productive environment possible, leading to exceptional results, employee resilience and performance, and talent retention.