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Think Like A Futurist - Dave Wild

by Admin User | Mar 16, 2016

Dave Wild is a Futurist and Managing Director of Smith & Wild who spoke at the 2015 NZ Human Synergistics conference on how to think like a futurist. A lot of us think of digital and mobile as the future... but as Dave says: that is already here... you might be struggling to catch up, but it's here. So what's next?

Dave has spent more than 15 years working as a strategist and innovator for design, marketing and innovation consultancies. He has led workshops in New Zealand, Australia and the US.

Dave talks about "Signal vs. Noise" where an invisible gulf is widening within our workplaces, with different generations failing to connect across the differing digital channels. However what seems like a wide divide requires just a small step to cross. So by the end of this talk you'll not only have made a pivotal mindshift, you'll be able to go back into your organisation and shift the conversation from noise to signal.