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Roche - 2020 Asia-Pacific Conference

by Jessica Kieft | Jan 25, 2021
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Gin Chen - Chapter Lead Therapeutic Solution Partner, Roche
Bobo Leung - Therapeutic Solution Partner, Roche
Alex Wong - Therapeutic Solution Partner, Roche

Reimagining healthcare sales

Roche is one of the world’s leading and largest pharmaceutical companies, specialising in five Disease Biology Areas (DBAs) including oncology, hematology, immunology, infectious diseases and neuroscience. Gin heads up the sales team for Roche Hong Kong.

Gin and the team share the transformational change story of the sales team at Roche Hong Kong in order to create better outcomes for more patients, faster. This was part of a bigger change journey for Roche globally to move towards agile working. Human Synergstics worked with the team to better understand their culture and how they worked with healthcare professionals to get better results for their patients. Following a culture review Human Synergistics supported Roche with design sprints and leading change workshops to reimagine the sales function. They worked hard to transform the way they worked as a team by moving from a culture of competitive sales strategies to shared KPIs to the value patients receive.