Culture Insights Blog

Published on 22 Feb 2016

We have finally come to the last of the 12 blogs on the styles in LSI 1. Taken all together the previous 11 have developed the theme that if our self-talk, reflected in our LSI 1 responses, show a close compassionate relationship with ourselves we are more likely to be effective and happy.

Published on 21 Feb 2016

In writing about the styles in LSI 1 my aim has been to explore the idea that the way we describe ourselves shows the relationship we have with ourselves. That relationship is likely to be reflected in our self-talk. This has the potential to enhance or limit the satisfaction we experience in our lives, prescribes the way we behave and whether or not we are effective.

Published on 28 Oct 2015

Having a Ping Pong table in the office doesn't motivate or make people happy. I'm not saying you shouldn't have a ping pong table, a beer fridge or a funky looking office…I'd enjoy playing a game over lunch with colleagues...what I'm saying is that it doesn't fix a broken Culture.

Published on 26 Sep 2015

The Self-Actualising Style is essentially a measure of our self-esteem. If we have strong self-esteem we are more likely to be effective and happy. Low self-esteem limits our potential and satisfaction. All of us respond positively to praise and encouragement. It gives us the confidence to be who we are, to try new things without fear of blame or criticism.

Published on 17 Jun 2015

After eight weeks of focussing on Defensive Styles I am finding it very different to now consider a Constructive Style. The former represent a huge potential cost to self and I have been able to explore the items in order to highlight the self-defeating nature of the way we describe ourselves.


Published on 08 Jun 2015

On Thursday last week's episode of MasterChef there was a fascinating insight into the pressure perfectionists put on themselves. The contestants had been asked to reimagine a French classic: Duck L'Orange. One of the contestants, Jessica Arnott, looked to put an Asian twist on it by doing an orange duck pancake.

Published on 04 Jun 2015

In my experience Perfectionistic Style is one of the most commonly occurring styles in LSI. When I see it at moderate levels, I visualise someone who is conscientious. Most of us when describing ourselves, readily give a 2 to items such as 'competent' and 'practical'. 

Published on 26 May 2015

Someone who describes themselves as moderate to high on Competitive Style 'likes to be seen and noticed'. Often this desire is largely unconscious but it provides a strong motivating force and constant energy to maintain. Some of the Styles items give us an idea of how much energy: 'tries to maintain a sense of superiority', 'tries hard to impress others', tries to be too successful'.

Published on 06 May 2015

Power Style is about being in control. Those who have been in Foundation Workshops with me have heard me speak of my own journey with it. It showed itself in my LSI 1 feedback in 1981 soon after my first two children aged 20 months and four months, had died of a hereditary liver disease.

Published on 21 Apr 2015

Oppositional Style is best summarised by two of the items, 'usually against things' and 'opposes new ideas'. I am familiar with this style as it was strong in my mother's thinking and behaviour. With such a role model I learned how to do it and need to notice it in myself and stop it from time to time.